Hand Therapists
The OSS hand therapists are dedicated to your recovery. Each therapist is passionate about health and fitness–focused on making movement easier. Our hand therapists are licensed occupational therapists who are dedicated to helping our patients with upper extremity pain and injuries affecting the fingers, hand, wrist, and elbow. All have graduated from accredited occupational therapy programs and are hand therapy certified. Four have achieved an advanced designation as certified hand therapists. Learn more about special certifications and education.
Education & License of a Hand Therapist
Education (Training). A hand therapist can either have a master’s degree in physical therapy or in occupational therapy. So that is 4 years of college plus an additional 2 to 3 years in a master’s program.
Special Certifications
Special Certification. Many of the therapists have completed additional certifications to help with patient recovery.
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT)
Minimum of 3 years + 4000 direct contact hours + pass a comprehensive exam in upper limb rehabilitation
Advanced Practice in Hand Therapy (HTC)
The OT/PT has met the required number of hours of both post-professional education and supervised on-the-job training
California Board of Occupational Therapy Physical Agent Modalities Certification (PAMS)
Use of physical agent modalities on patients (ultrasound, LLLT, NMES, TENS, etc.)